Saturday, February 16, 2013

Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition
Seattle Washington
June 1-Oct 16, 1909

This Souvenir Folding Card, an official publication of the Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition held on the dates noted above was postmarked Aug 20, 1909 in Seattle, Washington. It was mailed from Louie Yehle to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Casimir T. (Mary) Yehle in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Louis was the only Yehle sibling who moved to Canada in the mid-1910s and may have been living in either Canada or Seattle at the time of the Exposition.

Front Cover, Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition Souvenir Folding Card

Back Cover, Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition Souvenir Folding Card

Cascade and United States Government Buildings
Spokane County Building

Top: Machinery Hall; Bottom: Agricultural Building

Top: Forestry Building and Band Stand; Bottom: King County Building

Top: Music Pavilion; Bottom: Oriental Foreign Exhibit Building

Top: Official Emblem of Exposition; Bottom: European Foreign Exhibit Building

Top: Manufacturers Building; Bottom: Vista from Steps of the Agricultural Building

Top: Oregon State Building; Bottom: Fine Arts Building

Top: Emergency Hospital; Bottom: Auditorium

Top: Part of Nome Circle; Bottom: Court of Honor and Mt. Rainer

Top: Hawaii, Oriental and Manufacturers Building; Bottom: Puget Plaza and Government Buildings from Main Entrance

Top: Forestry Building; Bottom: Manufacturers, King County, and Machinery Hall

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